Bacon Alarm Clock: Our Prayers Answered
Imagine if your blissful state of sleep was interrupted not with a cruel BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!, but with the sensuous sound and scent of bacon. A new alarm clock app allows allows for this very scenario by combining a sizzling noise with a scent emitted through an external device. The developer? The fine folks from Oscar Mayer's Institute for the Advancement of Bacon. Seriously, America is the best.
Annie remake will star Beasts of the Southern Wild's amazing Quvenzhané Wallis
Usually, remakes of classic musicals make us scoff. But when the musical is a mainstream holiday adaptation of Annie with African-American stars (sadly, a complete and utter rarity), and one of those stars is the crazy-talented Oscar-nominated 10-year-old dynamo that is Quvenzhané Wallis, our scoffing turns to commendation and then rejoicing. Trailer below!
Heroes Among Us! Man Who Shielded Comrade from Grenade Set to Receive Medal of Honor
Sometimes, we all need a reminder that humans can be the greatest, and courage and kindness do indeed exist. The latest example: a Marine in Afghanistan who threw his body in front of a bomb to protect his friend, suffering horrific injuries as a result. He will now earn a Medal of Honor for this insanely brave act. Wow. Just wow.
Time-Killing Map Alert!
Because map infographics make our nerdy hearts sing, we bring you two (!) amazing illustrations of weird and wonderful info.
First up: a map of which states had the most UFO sightings last year, along with the most frequently seen shapes (fireball UFOs? Cooool!). The good news: our home state of California had the most sightings! The bad news: we're not sure this is a good thing.
Next up: a breakdown of our nation's wacky sex laws. Be glad if you don't live in Nebraska, where you can't get married if you have gonorrhea (harsh!) or Arizona, where you can't have more than two dildos in your house (in Texas, though, the limit is six. Whoa, Texas!)
Image: Flickr.com/cyclonebill